
Picking a Multi Vitamin

Decisions, Decisions. Nothing can seem more daunting than picking a multi-vitamin. Every vitamin company has one. So what’s a person to do? Well, there are some really good options out there so let’s take a look at some of them so you can get an idea of what kind of daily Multi may meet your…

Your Story–Cindy Faust

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My name is Cindy Faust(with full white hat,) I’m 37 years old and mother of 3 adorable kids. I’ve always loved playing sports, being active and had hit the road on an occasional run. It had always been a dream of mine to run the St. George Marathon. After my third child, I was mildly…

Marathon, Half marathon,10K or 5K taper

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You have done the work, run the long runs, got your shoes and gels ready, and are ready to rock come race day. But, what do you do to get ready for the big day when you are 5-7 days out? Do you rest? Run a little? Stretch? Well, how your legs feel on race…

Hero’s of the Week

BY GUY This year, like many others, we, the staff at SLRC, ventured down the Moab 1/2 marathon event over spring break. We have a great time working the expo, hanging out with people, running and mountain biking. This year was basically the same, with one exception. During our venture home we found out that…

Moab Half Marathon Tips from Nicole and Stacy

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We’re Real Runners, or so we thought. Our expectations and results of the Moab Half Marathon last year weren’t exactly what we had imagined. After having finished the race suffering through the stomach flu, we swore we would never go back to Moab not even to see the Arch. Bibs for Moab 2009 would teach…

Your Story–Bill and Traci Clark

Traci and Bill, you guys are fabulous! The most amazing thing is not just that you gave a bad habit, but replaced it with something that was hard! Running is fun, but still challenging and sometimes downright painful nonetheless. So, great job on your change of lifestyle! And, we will all cross our fingers for…

How fast can you run your marathon?

Have you ever wondered how fast you can run a marathon? A marathon is long enough that it can be hard to figure out what kind of goal time to shoot for. There is a cool little workout called Yasso 800’s that can give you a pretty good idea of what kind of time to…

Your Story–Brad Anderson

Here is one of our 10 winning stories for a Moab half marathon entry. Definitely one to remember when the going gets rough. At some point, it gets tough for everyone, but only some people decide to fight back. Brad, even with some doubt and difficulties, you most certainly came out of the corner fighting!…

Muscle is where your health is

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Have you ever noticed the obvious physical difference between a distance runner and a sprinter? Yeah, many distance runners are almost too skinny. Now, the world class runners may be a little more genetically programmed to be extra thin and need to be as light as possible too, but even many of those athletes are…