
Hills, the uphill battle.

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I think that most people are aware that here is Utah, we are not hurting for hills to run. Yet, the question still remains, “Should I run hills in training? If so, how much, what pace, how steep, how often?” It is clear that some of you who run have no choice but to run…

Giving old shoes a new life

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Yeah you’re probably hoping this post is about being able to run another 500 miles on your old,worn out, compressed shoes. Hmmm….sorry I can not tell a lie. But, I can say that your old shoes can be given a run at a new life with a person who doesn’t have shoes to begin with.…

Top 5 Winter Running Tips by SLRC staff

After Reading the following Top 5 Winter Running Tips from most of our employees. Can you pick out what the #1 most common tip is? Mike’s tips 1) When it is windy, start your run against the wind and have it to your back when you return 2) Stay hydrated 3) Wear Smartwool socks 4)…

How to run a sub 16 min 5k while pushing a baby jogger

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Yeah, it makes people all warm and fuzzy to see Daddy pushing Baby in the little baby jogger forBaby’s first 5K. Aww, shucks! But, seriously people, it is a bit much when Daddy just happens to be Seth Wold and he says things like “I knew that a sub 16 minute 5k with Sage was…

Hurts so good!

So, Mike is hangin’ in there for another week of Crossfit. I am not surprised to find out how much he likes to “play kid games” though since he often likes to mix up his endurance training with grown up man things like basketball and rugby. Yes, folks even runners and triathletes can spend some…

He said….He said…Compression wear

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Other than the fact that is looks kind of dorky, is there really something to compression-wear? Well, after my own experimentation, I would say that it is worth the money in what it does for recovery. I figure that it is one more tool in the recovery tool chest to add to Trigger Point Therapy…

Going Gluten Free, Is it for you?

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AS PRINTED IN TRIHIVE MAGAZINE OCT-DEC 2009 Not many people like the thought of giving up something they love to eat. But, what if what you are eating is making you sick, slowing you down or stopping the fat loss process. Ultimately, food should do the opposite. It should nourish, revitalize, invigorate, heal and speed…

Crossfit Kool-Aid

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So, one of the endurance athletes I have coached for almost 2 years, has decided to mix it up a bit in the weight room. Yep, Mike, is going to take Crossfit for a spin around the ‘ol weight room block. Seriously, here is a guy who HEARTS the weight room, but hasn’t given the…