
Below you will find articles on what to eat and drink before a race or long run, what to do during and what to do after to maximize your efforts and recovery. There is even an article on how to Carbo Load the week before your race.

Carbo Loading
Most runners have heard of carbohydrate-loading. If you’re new to the sport and don’t know much about this concept, it’s an important one if you attempt a marathon. Carbo-loading is when you eat more carbohydrate-rich foods than usually during the last days before a marathon as a way to extend your endurance. That’s the reason most marathons have a pre-race pasta party the night before the race…

Electrolyte is a medical/scientific term for salts, specifically ions. They’re important for many reasons:  Electrolytes are what your cells (especially nerve, heart, and muscle cells) use to maintain voltages across their cell membranes.  Electrolytes and carry electrical impulses (nerve impulses and muscle contractions) across themselves and to other cells.  When electrolytes have been depleted through sweat from exercising, specifically sodium and potassium, your muscles and nerves lose the ability to carry electrical impulses across cells properly and this can lead to muscle cramping…

Staying hydrated may be one of the most important aspects to your health and your performance while running. The human body is made up of about 66 percent water (about two-thirds of your body mass). Once the body starts to become dehydrated, it can’t function at its full capacity and your health and performance will be at risk. Being dehydrated can affect the body in many ways, especially during exercise…

Pre Race Nutrition
After all the training leading up to your big event, the last mistake you want to make race morning is with your pre-race nutrition. There are some athletes who decide that they want to skip all the confusion and try not eating. While this may work for a morning 5k, it gets more risky with a 10k and down-right nonsense for a half marathon or marathon. Several studies show that repeatedly show substantial increases in performance with proper fueling before an event…

Long Run and Marathon Nutrition
Do energy gels really work? How do I use them and how many will I need for my marathon? Should I try them before the race? Where do I put them? This article can help you find these answers.  If there’s one time that eating smart pays off, then long runs and marathons are it! One of the biggest and most easily avoided mistakes for new runners has to do with not eating enough during long training runs or marathons. Reality is that the human body will run out of glycogen (sugar) in less than two hours unless replenished. It is true that when you run slow, long runs at a fun conversational pace, you’re burning fat as a major source of fuel. However, you are still burning glycogen as well. For this reason it’s important to implement the habit of eating carbohydrates during training runs or races longer than about 75 minutes…

Recovery Drinks
Running drains your muscles of precious energy stores in the form of glycogen. The first 2 hours after a run is the crucial window when your muscles will absorb the highest amount of glycogen to replace what it just lost.  Adequately replacing glycogen stores requires not only the right carbohydrates, but also some protein to aid your muscles in absorbing the carbohydrates. The best part about finishing a run is that it is OK to eat some of the more sugary, higher glycemic foods…
** Chocolate milk is not a great option to get your protein; it is loaded with simple sugars that are not good for you.


We are what we eat, or something like that. Get helpful tips for fueling your body and creating healthy eating habits, you should know this even if you skip the occasional workout.

Basic Joint Protocol
Long term joint care/Arthritis/degenerative disease/anti-inflammation…

Supplemental recommendations and usage for Creatine, also info on what it does…

Creatine Dosage Chart
Supplemental dosage for using Creatine as a supplement…

Flax Seed Oil
Supplemental recommendations and usage for flax seed oil, also what it does…

Green Food
These types of supplements has established itself within the domain of the natural foods industry. What is it? What will it do for me?…

Protein Dosage Guide
Supplemental dosage for using Protein as a supplement…

Protein Smoothies
If there is one thing that you should add to your current eating and post workout recovery habits, it would be protein smoothies…

Vitamin C
Supplemental recommendations and usage for Vitamind C, also info on what it does…

Whey Protein Isolate
Supplemental recommendations and usage for Whey Protein Isolate, also you will find info on what it does…
